Comic Review: ’76 #2

I have no idea if I like this comic or not yet.  Consisting of two stories taking place in 1976:  Jackie Karma, an ebony and ivory kung fu cop story; and Cool, the tale of two cops taking care of simple matters involving blow, prostitutes, porn stars, and much more to come.

Jackie Karma sits on the page.  The comic lays flat, never picking up, never going anywhere.  The inks are too fat and instead of giving the book a unique feel everything looks a little too similar.  I wasn’t sure who I was supposed to be paying attention to or look at.

Which is as far opposite as one can get from Cool.  Every character is unique, not once will the reader become confused.  Exaggerated facial features and shades of gray so rich, you forget the book is black and white.  The scenes flow like water, picking you up then dropping you into the current, switching stories for what may seem like a bit of rest only to slam you into something heavier.  Then the realization comes that this is only issue 2 and its going to get even worse.  Cool is a film comic.  It becomes obvious where the reel changes or commercials would come in, but you’ll need that break.

Review:  Buy the second half of the comic.

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